When Dr. Hahnemann was experimenting with homeopathic principals, the bark of the Cinchona tree was what he focused on first. While working as a translator for medical texts, he had the opportunity to translate a work which postulated that Cinchona bark was effective in the treatment of Malaria due to its bitter and astringent properties. This did not make sense to Hahnemann, as this was not the only medicine with these properties, and they did not all work to treat Malaria.
He decided to test the bark on himself. What he discovered was that each time he took a dose of Cinchona, he exhibited symptoms very similar to Malaria. This led him to the idea of similia similibus curantur, or “like cures like”, meaning that a substance which causes particular symptoms has the ability to cure those same symptoms. After this experience, he began testing, or proving, substances on himself and his friends and family. He also discovered a way to make these substances curative without causing harm through the process of dilution and succussion. (More information on that process next week.)
Materia medica
Causticum (Caust) is derived from a mixture of slaked lime and a potassium sulphate solution. It is considered a polycrest, which puts it among our most used and most helpful remedies. Causticum is frequently appropriate in conditions which cause a gradual decline. There is great fatigue and a decrease in muscular power, even to the point of paralysis. Pains are severe and often burning. Causticum patients are hungry, but as soon as they see food their appetite disappears. They are anxious for others and often feel they are the only ones who can care for their family or group. They suffer from a great deal of anxiety in general.