The holidays are here! Many of us look forward to this time of year and others of us are somewhat less excited. Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, chances are at some point you will find yourself with opportunities to overindulge in food and drink. One of the unfortunate side effects of this overindulgence can be indigestion. Homeopathy has options for you if you find yourself in this position.
Lycopodium (Lyc) is useful when just a small amount of food has caused issues. Even a few bites can cause a feeling of fullness along with bloating and gas and rumbling in the stomach. Missing a meal may also cause symptoms and evenings are worse in general.
Nux vomica (Nux-v) can be helpful when there are issues from eating spicy foods, too much fat, or drinking alcohol. The patient might feel angry or irritated. The stomach pains are better from warmth and worse for tight clothes and anger.
Arsenicum album (Ars) has burning pains in the stomach and the esophagus, which can be severe. There is a desire to sip water, but it may be vomited immediately. The stomach pain is ameliorated by drinking milk and from warm drinks. There may be cravings for fat, sour food, bread, alcohol, and warm food.
Carbo vegetabilis (Carb-v) has a tremendous amount of bloating and indigestion. Pains can be extreme enough to cause collapse. The frequent belching helps both the stomach and the patient’s general state. They may feel cold but desire fanning despite this. They do not want to be covered.
Pulsatilla (Puls) is helpful when there has been overindulgence in fatty foods, cake, ice cream, and other sweets. There may be a craving for butter, cream, cheese, sweets, and cold foods. This patient is likely to have a mild disposition and to be thirstless.
Phosphorus (Phos) can be used when there is burning pain in the stomach which is better eating ice cream or other cold foods. The appetite may be ravenous. There is also a craving for cold drinks, but there is nausea or even vomiting once they become warm in the stomach.
Colocynthis (Coloc) is useful when there are severe cutting or cramping pains in the abdomen. The pain is better with hard pressure. You may see a patient needing this remedy doubled over with arms folded against their abdomen in an effort to relieve the pain. Anger or irritation can make these symptoms worse.
As with any homeopathic treatment, the symptoms much match the remedy. These are just a few options for this particular condition. Homeopathy is also helpful for chronic indigestion. A qualified practitioner can help you find the right remedy.
Happy holidays!